
Types of mounting of cylinders

Can be attached at any point along the length of the cylinder (i, k). A common design is pivoting at the centre of gravity of the cylinder (i).


Figure B 4: Types of mounting of cylinders

In the types of mounting of cylinders a differentiation is made between four basic forms (Figure B 4):

Flange mounting:

The flange can be attached to the head (item a) or to the base (b). In a, position B, the fastening screws must absorb the force from the piston, in a, position A, on the other hand only the withdrawal force.

Foot mounting:

Here the fastening screws are subjected to shear (e, f). In e there is also a turning moment.

Mounting on end joint:

Gives the cylinder freedom of movement in one (g) or in all planes (h). The centre of gravity is always at the end of the cylinder.

Trunnion mounting: