

Directional seated valves with CETOP connection are an energy-efficient alternative to directional spool valves in many applications


Is directional valve and check valve in one and with standard connection pattern CETOP 3 – the directional seated valve type ROLV (in the picture on the right)

Due to their design principle, directional seated valves offer a high potential for energy savings compared to directional spool valves. So it makes sense to optimize the entire production process of these seated valves accordingly. HAWE Hydraulik uses the GHG protocol for the evaluation of the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) and currently considers the cycle from the procurement of all materials to delivery to the customer. The high depth of added value in the HAWE production plants, the associated short transport routes plus a product design that generates little material waste in production, contribute positively to this.

A comprehensive consideration and reduction of the PCF also took place during the development of the directional seated valve type ROLV. It is used wherever work functions must be precisely controlled and at the same time maintained over a defined period of time. Due to the leak-free design principle, the switching position can also be held over longer periods of time without further energy supply. Typical use is in machine tools, in processing machines but also in mobile machines. Thanks to the CETOP 3 standard connection pattern, it can also be flexibly combined in valve assemblies to form extensive control blocks. The standardized connection pattern makes it particularly easy to switch from spool valves to seated valves. The seated valve only has to be built on the existing connection pattern. In the HAWE product range you will find many designs and sizes for this modern valve type.

Statement Robert Schullan, CEO:

"HAWE Hydraulik considers not only the manufacturing process, but the entire life cycle of its products and solutions in order to continuously reduce the ecological footprint. This can only be achieved in close cooperation with our customers and our internal and external supply chain. Concrete examples of this can also be found in the HAWE range of products of CETOP valves."