Press Releases


Directional seated valve optimised in performance and design


Is a directional valve and shut-off valve in one - the directional seated valve type ROLV

With the new directional control valve type ROLV with CETOP 3 standard connection pattern, HAWE Hydraulik offers a directional control valve with versatile application potential. It can be integrated directly into valve banks as a flexible control block. Connection blocks for direct pipeline installation are also available. In use, the machine and plant builder benefits from the leak-free, leak-tight holding of consumer movements without additional elements and the significantly higher dirt resistance of this type of valve in contrast to the directional spool valve.  

These are two major advantages of a directional seated valve compared to a directional spool valve. A directional seated valve is a directional valve and a shut-off valve in one. This principle offers potential savings in terms of the number of components required and thus in terms of installation space and installation costs. With its optimised design and technical data for maximum pressure (400 bar) and volumetric flow (25 l/min), the type ROLV offers an entry into this valve type for many applications. The design is insensitive to dirt and thus achieves a very high switching reliability. The solenoid coil is exchangeable, an advantage in case of service. ROLV consists of a round basic valve and an adapter plate, which offer various connection options. The new, patented design is convincing with its attractive appearance.